Contact Us
It is best to contact us by phone.
If you have left a phone message and not heard back from us within 2 weekdays, then send us an email using the form below. You may also use the form if you prefer not to call us.
Please fill out the form below to contact us for:
- help with your legal problem
- to request a presentation for your organization
- anything else you would like us to help you with.

Chatham-Kent Legal Clinic
455 Grand Avenue East, Unit 9
Chatham, Ontario, N7L 1X4
Phone: 519-351-6771
Fax: 519-351-8091
Clinic Hours:
- Mon-Thurs: 9:00-noon; 1:00-4:30
- Fridays: 1:00-4:30
Legal Advice Hours:
- Mon-Thurs: 9:30-11:30; 1:00-4:00
- Mon & Fri: 1:00-4:00