Chatham-Kent Services
Chatham-Kent Children’s Services: A multi-service agency that provides services and programs to support the well-being and safety of children and their families.
Call 519-352-0440.
Chatham-Kent Employment & Social Services: Delivers income support, homelessness and employment services by helping eligible people with money for shelter, food and other basic necessities.
- Shelter Solutions Financial Supports
- CK Homeless Response Line
- CK Renovates Program
- Community Relations Program
- Domestic Violence Integrated Case Manager
- Home-Makers Program
- Homes 4 Youth – H4Y
- RentSmart
- Housing First Intensive Case Management Program
- Short Term Housing Allowance Program
Call 519-351-8573.
Chatham Outreach For Hunger: Food bank located in Chatham serves all of Chatham-Kent.
Call 519-351-8381.
Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre: A grassroots, anti-violence, equality seeking organization that offers a continuum of service for women 16 years of age or older who have experienced the impact of sexual assault / harassment / abuse, past or present.
Call 519-354-8908
24 Hour Crisis Line: 519-354-8688
Chatham-Kent Victim Services: Provides crisis intervention, emotional support, information, practical assistance and referrals to victims of crime.
Call 519-436-6630.
Chatham-Kent Women’s Centre: Provides outreach counselling, crisis counselling (24hrs/7days a week), family court support, emergency shelter for women with or without children, support groups, child and youth programs, as well as safe, supportive, affordable housing for up to one year.
Crisis Line: 519-354-6360.
Toll-Free: 1-800-265-0598.
Community Living Chatham-Kent: Strives to enrich the lives of people who have diverse abilities by providing quality services, and meaningful and inclusive opportunities.
Call 519-352-1174.
Community Living Wallaceburg: Committed to strategic actions that enable children, youth and adults who have an intellectual disability to share equally in all elements of community life. Engaged with communities across Chatham-Kent.
Call 519-627-0777.
Family Service Kent: Helps with a wide range of emotional, psychological, social, physical, and financial problems.
Call 519-354-6221.
Tilbury Information & H.E.L.P Centre: Distributes food to individuals and families.
Call 519-354-0430.
Provides information and referral on community programs and services.
Call 519-682-2268.
United Way Chatham-Kent: Provides a variety of services from food, to referral for community programs and services, backpacks packed with winter basics (food, hygiene products, winter clothing), and peer and home-based support. There are also a number of services and programs for children and youth, such as school supplies, tutoring, and social skills building.
Call 519-354-0430.
WISH Centre (Chatham-Kent): Serves the multicultural community through a full spectrum of programs and services geared toward men and women at risk of or experiencing domestic abuse.
Call 519-354-5248.